Our purpose is to give children the type of education that empowers them with the capacity to make essential moral choices and be resilient in their lives. This purpose is grounded in our guiding core principles of “Kuvimbika”, “Hunhu”, and “Kuzvipira” and these are the same principles that shall guide the behavioural development of the children at our school. We want to build the capacity in our children to contribute to our country and the society at large.Acacia Junior School thrives to offer an education which liberates, empowers and motivates students to use their gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity in loving and responsible service.
Acacia Junior School recognizes the importance of Early Child Development (ECD) we teach our children personal, social, health and citizenship education. It is our goal, therefore, that from an early stage children are taught the fundamentals of being good citizens and contributing to the development of the country.
We believe the future starts here for our children. This belief underpins the entire emphasis of our educational program at Acacia junior School and based on the attributes of the purity of sincerity, the necessity endurance and courage in accomplishing the goals of life and the the transformative effects of renewed attitude towards life.
Acacia Junior School is the first of the Fundo Foundation Trust group of schools and we are making it a beacon of our core values, ethos and belief for a brighter and constructive future for every child within our school.