Code of Conduct

We set a high standard of positive behavior and attitudes. At our school, we promote positive approach to everything, which encourages and rewards children who behave and work well.

Our code is very simple:

“Show respect for everyone and everything”

“Take responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions”

This code is reinforced in assemblies and class sessions.

We have a positive discipline policy which has been approved by the Governing Body. Good work and behavior is encouraged and rewarded in a number of different ways, including certificates and house points. The ethos of the school provides that children should be able to work and play without disruption from others. It is expected that parents will help to promote this ethos by encouraging their children to maintain the school’s expected behavioral standards.

As part of measures to have disciplined children in the school, we have a zero tolerance to misconduct and bad behavior and if they do occur, we aim to deal with them in a firm, but fair manner.

Although we do try to avoid suspending or expelling pupils, this is the ultimate sanction for repeated or extreme inappropriate behavior and will be used where necessary.