Monthly Archives: May 2017

Week 3 Merit Badges

Week 2 Merit Badges

Class      Top Student              Worker of the Week
ECD A Mukakati Joanne Prophecy Hapandiwa ECD B Murape Makanaka Mutepfe Ian 1 White Tatenda Chikwanda Tatenda Chitiki 1 Blue Tatenda Chiruka Cheryl Mukundwa 2 White Mutsaka Ashley Chikuni Munesuishe 2 Blue Nyamakawo Karsten Musevenzi Kudzai 3 Blue Tinotenda Madondo Tinotenda Chiruka 4 Blue Ruvimbo Maonera Tapiwa Murevererwi

This Week’s Merit Badges

Week 2 Merit Badges

Class      Top Student              Worker of the Week
ECD A Pondani Alexis Gaba Ethan ECD B Chapo Mabgwe Tinenyasha Temera 1 White Ropafadzo Makwembera Milicent Katurura 1 Blue Ruvarashe Chikowore Tawonanyasha Nyamayemombe 2 White Chikuni Mazvitaishe Chinho Rutendo 2 Blue Musevenzi Kudzaishe Mufunda Laura 3 Blue Chipo Mutsetsema Tinotenda Madondo 4 Blue Mwerenga Jaidyn Maonera Ruvimbo

Top Student of the week is the overall best in every subject in that particular week. Worker of the Week is that student who has put the most effort i.e worked the hardest to improve their grades.

These badges were designed to motivate students to work even harder, showing them hard work has its rewards.