Board of Directors

The board of directors was constituted to set up the basic functionality of the school before hiring of the management and staff. It is in place to set the school’s vision and strategic direction. Now that the management of the school is in place the Board is also expected to hold the headmaster to account for the performance of the teachers and the students and to ensure that funds are well spent for the good of the school.

As a school, we are proud of our directors who take their duties seriously and give up their time in the interest of the whole school community. They contribute enormously to raising and keeping the standards of the school as they have an excellent understanding of the strengths and areas of development for the school. The directors work very closely with the school and provide the needed support, which has held increase their knowledge and expertise in all aspects of the development of the school.

Our directors are aware that good governance is predicated on having the right range of skills and experience needed to carry out the the job effectively. More training along sides staff will be carried out to enable to enhance them to do their job more effectively. The directors appreciate the need to focus on the core issues that really matter – the quality of teaching, progress and achievement of all pupils.