

CLASS                    TOP STUDENT                                       WORKER OF THE WEEK

ECD  A                    JoannE Mukakati                                 Tsungai   Beta

ECD B                      Luyanda  Sibalo                                   Regis Muhlanga

1  Blue                    Tatenda  Chiruka                                  Tariro  Takaenzana

1 White                  Ropafadzo Makembera                     Tatenda Chikwanda

2  Blue                   Pencil Denzel                                         Mureverwi Marylin

2 White                  Mutsaka  Ashley                                 Chikuni Munesu

3 Blue                    Madondo  Tinotenda                         Jelefaziyo  Maya

4 Blue                    Maonera Ruvimbo                              Mureverwi Tapiwanashe


Class   Top Student        Worker of the Week
ECD A      Gaba Ethan           Hapandiwa Prophecy
ECD B      Mabgwe Chapo         Makurumidze Shalom 
1 White    Mapfiro Mufaro       Muchuchuti Mazvita
1 Blue     Mugabe Matida        Nyamayemombe Tawonashe
2 White    Samunawu Anesuishe   Matina Munashe
2 Blue     Nhengu Berachah      Mureverwi Marylin
3 Blue     Njeru Tawananyasha   Jelefaziyo Maya
4 Blue     Maonera  Ruvimbo     Muponda Tadiwa

This Week’s Merit badges

Week 11 Merit Badges

Class   Top Student        Worker of the Week
ECD A      Dombo Tanatswa          Pondani Alexis
ECD B      Murape Makanaka         Muchadenyika Anenyasha 
1 White    Nokutenda Mapfumo       Tamudaishe Khumalo
1 Blue     Ruvarashe Chikowore     Cheryl Mukundwa
2 White    Chikuni Mazvitaishe     Chinho Rutendo
2 Blue     Shava Tichafara         Pencil Denzel
3 Blue     Nyoni Naledi            Manuhwa Ryan
4 Blue     Ruvimbo Maonera         Huruva Hilton

Week 3 Merit Badges

Week 2 Merit Badges

Class      Top Student              Worker of the Week
ECD A Mukakati Joanne Prophecy Hapandiwa ECD B Murape Makanaka Mutepfe Ian 1 White Tatenda Chikwanda Tatenda Chitiki 1 Blue Tatenda Chiruka Cheryl Mukundwa 2 White Mutsaka Ashley Chikuni Munesuishe 2 Blue Nyamakawo Karsten Musevenzi Kudzai 3 Blue Tinotenda Madondo Tinotenda Chiruka 4 Blue Ruvimbo Maonera Tapiwa Murevererwi

This Week’s Merit Badges

Week 2 Merit Badges

Class      Top Student              Worker of the Week
ECD A Pondani Alexis Gaba Ethan ECD B Chapo Mabgwe Tinenyasha Temera 1 White Ropafadzo Makwembera Milicent Katurura 1 Blue Ruvarashe Chikowore Tawonanyasha Nyamayemombe 2 White Chikuni Mazvitaishe Chinho Rutendo 2 Blue Musevenzi Kudzaishe Mufunda Laura 3 Blue Chipo Mutsetsema Tinotenda Madondo 4 Blue Mwerenga Jaidyn Maonera Ruvimbo

Top Student of the week is the overall best in every subject in that particular week. Worker of the Week is that student who has put the most effort i.e worked the hardest to improve their grades.

These badges were designed to motivate students to work even harder, showing them hard work has its rewards.

End of First Term Newsletter



It was with the greatest happiness that we welcomed 45 new Acacians and their parents during this term. From our humbling 30 pioneer students in January 2016 it is gratifying to see the growth and the appreciation of the Acacia Brand by the stakeholders. Thank you for your part that you played and we hope to live our values of KUVIMBIKA, HUNHU, KUZVIPIRA. We expecting a handful to join us next term.


It was satisfying to see your involvement during events you were called to at school. From the Familiarisation, to the Reading Workshop and the Consultation Day last Friday you showed us your keenness and support to us assist our pupils in their learning. Positive end of term reports are a true reflection of the tremendous work going on.


This was a very colourful day in which pupils, teachers and some parents dressed in African Attire. In classes pupils played traditional games and African Values were encouraged.


This was another well supported event that saw all pupils involved in sports and for a change Mupangara House wrestled the Inter-House shield from Muunga House.

P.L.C.  A.G.M

We thank Mr Matarino and his interim Committee for all they did in their year. A good turn-out of 42 was noted and four members were retained as three new were elected. Once the executive meet and choose their Office Bearers we will advise of the 2017 executive.


Thank you to those parents that stick to their payment arrangements assisting the school in its planning. Please be reminded that the school relies on fees to fund its day to day business. The quicker you pay the better for all in the system.


Last year your Board listened to your concerns and lowered fees and parents through the PLC agreed to a Bus Levy of $40/month for 12 months to assist the school in purchasing school transport. We appeal to all parents to pay this levy as all students will have use of this facility at some stge.


I know that you have been inconvenienced by failing to get what you want and correct sizes. We have been let down by suppliers and the Board is in the process of securing an official stockiest who will supply everything under one roof. We hope this will be in place for Term 2.


The Board purchased the Toyota Quantum which is in our possession. Talk of ease of doing business-the beaurocracy involved has seen us going round in circles in our quest to have the necessary paper work to comply with regulations. It has been branded and applied for the  Route Authority (RMT). I profusely apologise for the delay which was beyond our control and  I promised at the AGM that it will be ready for Term 2.


We are indebted to the sponsor for the wonderful state-of-the-art infrastructure at our disposal. The Board is seized with logistics for further expansion to build extra classrooms to cater for further grades in addition to an all-purpose – all weather courts.



The school office will be open during normal working hours except on public holidays when we are closed. The Head or T.I.C. will be available between 10am and 1 pm but you are advised to make appointments if need be.


Tuesday 9th May – Schools open Term 2

Friday 23 – 26 June  – Exeat weekend.

Thursday 10th August – Schools close. Term 2

Tuesday 12th September – School open Term 3

Thursday 7th December – Schools close Term 3


Have some quality time with the boys and girls during the break time but please remind them: READING IS THE KEY AND THE KEY IS READING!

With best wishes from all at AJS.


Opening Newsletter


Welcome To AJS
Season’s Greetings to all and hope we all had quality time with the pupils during the festive season just gone by. A hearty welcome to the new parents who have seen our enrolment almost doubled. Thank you for your great confidence in the A.J.S Project that hopes to produce the ACACIAN BRAND whose traits are KUVIMBIKA, HUNHU, KUZVIPIRA.
First Term 2017 Transport
We promised transport for Term1/2017 and parents agreed to a transport levy to help the school to procure its own vehicle(s). This is going to happen soonest and the Board is seized with the finalization of this venture. While we apologize for the inconvenience caused, we appeal to you to be patient and watch this space.
The school has acquired a Toyota Quantum which is being branded before use and a bigger bus will be purchased during the course of this term
Enrolment & Fees
We still have places in all classes but our increase in numbers is very encouraging and we owe it to you parents for your support. From an average of 6 per class last term we now have 12 and thank you so much.
Please be reminded that the school relies on fees to fund all its operations with no subsidies from anywhere. It is important that we stick to our payment plans so as not to affect the cash flow. You are encouraged to pay direct into our school account but we do have a P.O.S machine at school for your convenience.
I can understand parents’ frustration of not getting what they want at the start of the term! Due to the Christmas shut-downs suppliers are battling to catch up, as embroiders are overwhelmed. It is no excuse and we vehemently apologize and hope to have no repeat in future.

On haircuts for boys, short and brushable hair is preferred and no startling hairstyles please! For the girls who are plaited only “free hand/100 lines” is permitted.


While ECD A to Grade 2 will finish school at 12:30pm, Grades 3 and 4 finish at 1pm. Sadly, we did not manage to raise a Grade 5 Class.
From Monday 16th January 2017 Grades 3 and 4 will be finishing at 3:30pm. On Monday and Wednesday they will have Clubs and Studies respectively while on Tuesday and Thursday there will be sports. On offer for Clubs will be Art and Craft, Speech and Drama, First Aid, French, Chess, Brownies and Girl Guides.




Music, French and Computers
We are expecting to be offering both Music and French this term. The long awaited Classmate Computers will be done this term and the terms for purchase are being worked out. The supplier will offer two options of outright purchase and a deposit with balance in 3 months. Separate circular on this will follow. The school will be buying Interactive Touch Screen Boards that are compatible to the Classmates for the pupils.
I am looking forward to seeing parents participating in either supporting your children’s activities or the Parents Liaison Activities or the Fitness Programmes on the calendar, during this Term.

2016 Review

So 2016 has come to an end. With the support of parents, we managed to achieve quite a number of things and host multiple events.

First term 2016

Sports Day
What a fun day for everyone!! Sack race, balloon race, sprinting and even hula hoops!! Everyone had a chance to participate including teachers and parents.


Information & Communication Technology

The school acquired classmate computers for the pupils. The computer can be detached from the keyboard and be used as a tablet. It is also shatterproof and waterproof. A very useful gadget for 21st century kids!!

Culture Day